For your complimentary first discovery phone call, please review the website for a list of services and think about what service you think you may benefit from. If you are not sure, that is fine, but be prepared to discuss what aspect of career planning or academic planning is of most importance to you.

Frequently Asked Questions


How many students are there typically in each course?

Each class has a maximum of 6 students.

Will there be assignments?

Yes, there may be some material or assessments that are to be completed between classes and appointments. On average you will want to set aside an hour between classes.

How long is each appointment?

The first initial appointment is 30 minutes and acts as a discovery call for our staff to learn more about you and a chance for you to determine how we can help you the most. To book your first appointment, click on the ‘book appointment’ tab to schedule yourself in an available time slot. Any subsequent appointments are scheduled for 1 hour and will be scheduled at the end of your appointment.

What to expect in each individual appointment?

Each appointment may have a different theme, but for each appointment the expectation is that you are available for the Zoom call in a quiet area with reliable internet access.

How long is the Career Exploration course?

The Career Exploration course includes two classes that are 1½ hours each class, as well as two 30 minute individual appointments.

Are there psychometrics tests that will be administered?

Depending on your needs and course requirements there are a few psychometrics that will be completed, including a Personality Dimensions assessment, Career Dimensions assessment, Emotional Intelligence EQi assessment.

What should I expect in a post-secondary application review session?

When applying to post-secondary institutions, various programs require a letter of intent or supplementary essay assignment. In the sessions, your essays will be reviewed, as well as any additional portfolio requirements. A discovery appointment can be scheduled to determine what materials you may need help with. If you also require interview preparation for an admission interview, we can also assist with a mock interview and interview feedback.

What are the costs of the services?

For our standard services, costs are listed with each service. In addition, a customized package can be arranged to meet your budget. Schedule a 30 minute discovery appointment to discuss your options.

When is the best time to start the process?

Anytime is a good time to start, as we tailor our sessions to the individuals needs. There are different options for all students depending on their grade level and needs. In addition, we are able to support students in their post-secondary studies and in the transition to the workplace post graduation.

Is there a discount for multiple children?

Yes, there is a discount for multiple children if they are all from the same household. This can be discussed further in the initial discovery call.